Life and Career DEsign | Health and Well-being

The path to your best future

Have you given yourself time to stop and think about what you are doing today and what you want your future to look like?

what it would look like if you did what you really, REALLY wanted and lived life on YOUR terms…

– What would you do for a living?

– Where would you live?

– Where would you focus your time and energy?

– Who would you surround yourself with?

– How would you FEEL, about yourself, your life and the world around you?

You can choose to create your future!
I fully believe that it’s possible to create a life that we love living, even if we don’t know where we are going or where to begin. 

We don’t have to wait and hope for something to happen. We just need to decide and take a small first step to start the change.

What’s next for YOU?
If you’re stuck and feeling unsure about what you want to do next in your life and/or career
You know what you want, but perhaps need to find the energy, motivation and courage to actually make it happen, then I would love to help you get clarity on your right path forward and what your next step will be with a FREE 60 min ‘Design Your Best Future’ coaching session.

When you’re ready to explore what’s possible, take charge of your life and design your future on your terms, just click the button below to book your session and get started straight away!

If you can dream it, you can do it
~ Walt Disney


Helene Iggfors

My name is Helene Iggfors and I’m a Life and Career Design Coach.
I help ambitious professionals achieve purpose, meaning, freedom and joy in their lives and careers through personalised one-on-one coaching.

A big part of what I do is help you get clarity on what you want out of the next chapter of your life and career. Together we design the future you really want, set inspiring goals and create a clear step-by-step action plan to actually make it happen!

I would like to share a little bit about myself and my personal story and hope it can inspire you in some way.

I was born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden.

Growing up I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with my life and as a result I have tried many different paths and have had a very fun and varied career out of it. 
It’s a long story, but after more than twenty years in the corporate world I decided to totally change direction and started studying Diet and Nutrition. I then became an International Certified Coach (ICC) and Health Coach. Despite fears and doubts about my ability, I dared to take the leap and it was the best thing I have ever done!

“In my very first coaching session my outlook on life changed there and then. I was seeing my life in a totally different light and I felt free and empowered for the first time in a very long time. Like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and that anything was possible! I knew that I was in the right place at the right time and that I could trust that everything would be ok as I was now taking charge of my life.”

Coaching has helped me improve my life in so many ways and continues to do so every single day. I’m following my heart, doing more of what I love and what makes me happy.

The sense of clarity and empowerment I first got from being coached felt like such a relief. I began to realise that I was in charge of my life and that I could achieve anything I wanted as long as I was willing and committed to putting in the work. It allowed me to slow down and focus inward, really take the time to decide what I truly wanted to create, who I wanted to be and how I wanted to live my life.

I went from feeling stuck, unhappy and frustrated because I didn’t know what I wanted to do with ‘the rest of my life’ to having a clear vision and direction with an exciting plan for my future.
I went from overlooking my health, feeling stressed, anxious and exhausted a lot of the time to feeling calmer, healthier and more confident than ever.
Having an action plan and taking small steps towards my goals gave me the confidence to keep moving forward and create my life and career the way I wanted it to be.

Today, my dream of doing what I love while having the freedom and flexibility to choose my own hours and be able to work anywhere in the world has become a reality. I feel so happy and grateful to have found the perfect work-life balance for me.

I created this life that I’m living right now – I didn’t just let it ‘happen’.

Of course there will be ups and downs, but I feel safe knowing that I now have incredibly powerful tools that I can use to deal with and overcome challenges that may come my way.

Coaching has completely changed my life and opened the doors to things I never thought possible. I feel so much better and am more satisfied with life. I believe in it because it works and I want others to have the chance to experience this for themselves. My mission is to inspire and help people see what’s possible and support them in creating the life and career that they want!

To learn more about me and my story click here

Certified International Coach and Health Coach at Unestål Education and Svenska Näringsakademin. Certified by the International Coaching Community (ICC)


So what is this thing called coaching?

Coaching encourages you to take charge of your life, make it what you want it to be and become the best version of yourself.

It challenges us to let go of the old and open up to the new.

Through coaching you can gain real results in all areas of your personal and professional life. 

Whatever change you want to make, result you want to achieve or goal you want to reach, working with a coach can be really powerful.

It speeds up results and increases the odds of success dramatically.

You get to recreate your life just the way YOU want it.

 You’ll simply feel and perform better, get the best out of life and live without regrets!

The best way to understand what coaching is, is to experience it.

To learn more about coaching and its benefits click the button below. 


If you feel stuck, off track or generally unsatisfied in your current situation and dreaming of a happier, more meaningful and balanced life and career, I can help.

Often we know what we want, and yet for some reason we don’t do it OR
we just don’t know what we want, but feel that there must be more to life...

No matter what change we want to make or what goals we want to achieve, it’s easy to get caught up in the same thought pattern and it can feel difficult to decide what to do next. This can result in us going around in circles, putting things off and not moving forward.
I know, I’ve been there myself.
It is easier to know what we don’t want, but perhaps not what we want instead. Even if we know what we want and what needs to be done, we can still get stuck.

What I’ve learned is that by asking for help, we take power into our own hands.
Trying to figure things out on our own can be very time-consuming and draining, so when we want to make changes in our lives and careers, it’s always good to have someone neutral to talk to and work through things with. Someone who can help us think outside the box, come up with new ideas, find solutions and see all the different choices we have. It can really help us find that energy, motivation and courage we need to make those important decisions and take action.

That’s where I come in!
My job as a coach is to help you clarify exactly what you want to create for yourself, where you are going and how you will get there.
We will do everything we need to get you the results you want – one step at a time and at your own pace. Together we’ll create positive changes that will make a huge difference in your life. All you need is willingness, commitment and dedication to yourself.

Until you decide, nothing will change, but once you decide magic happens

Think about what you most want to change or make better in your life right now – that’s where we’ll start. If you’re not sure what you want, don’t worry, I’ll help you figure it out.

Together we will design your future and create a life that you love!

Your Vision: 
First of all we’ll get super clear and specific about what it is you really, really want, what’s most important to you and how you want your life and career to be. You will have plenty of time to reflect and evaluate your life and sort out your thoughts. We will look at what you can do to increase your quality of life and explore all the different options and possibilities that you have.
Having a clear vision provides a sense of direction and allows you to follow YOUR path. In order to get what you want, you need to know what you want.

Your Goals: 
Once you are crystal clear on your vision we will set inspiring goals that are completely aligned with what you want and who you are. You will feel empowered and motivated to achieve everything you desire without having to neglect your wants and needs or sacrifice any part of your life.

Your Action Plan: 
We will create a step-by-step action plan, so you know exactly what you need and what steps you need to take to reach your goals. So when you wake up in the morning you know what you need to do from day to day, week to week and month to month. Having goals and action plans gives you a clear path for your future and makes you feel in control. It helps you manage your time and energy better, so you can focus on the things that truly matter to you and achieve more.

Your Unique Journey to Success: 
Since we are all different, I always tailor the coaching to suit you, your needs and your circumstances. I will guide and support you to make sure that you are staying on track. We will also address challenges that might come up along the way that may be slowing you down or stopping you from moving forward towards your goals. We will work at your pace and you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you are doing what feels right for you, that it makes you happy and excited, and will get you the results you want!

I know it’s possible for you to create a life that you love and on your terms.
I have done it and so can you! If you allow it, coaching can be a fun and life changing experience that you’ll never regret. You don’t have to struggle or figure things out on your own – Together we are going to find the best way for you to create your life the way YOU want it. Expect to find a fresh, new perspective on life!

I hope you feel inspired to follow your ❤️ and to take action!

Contact Me

Assurance: You can feel completely safe working with me. You are always my first priority and I guarantee complete privacy. We are in an equal partnership based on authenticity and honesty. As an ICC certified coach I follow ICC’s Standards and Code of Ethics which provide security for you as a client and for me as a coach.

I had for a long time felt that I was stuck both in thoughts and in my life. When I met Helene and she offered her coaching services, I didn’t hesitate for a second. The help I received from Helene has been invaluable. Getting someone impartial who looks at your life and thoughts from an overall perspective allows you to see things that you would probably never see or discover yourself.
With a cautious hand, attentiveness, good exercises and questions Helene created a safe room where I had the opportunity to look at my life through a different lens. It also became very clear that it is me, with all my excuses, that stands in the way from doing what I really want. The meetings with Helene have given me a new perspective and new opportunities to get me where I want in life!
To pause, and together with Helene ask all the important questions and reflect on life, that’s a nice gift to give to yourself!
(Translated from Swedish)


Having Helene as my coach has been a pleasure from the start. Her compassionate, calm and at the same time assertive approach, made a huge impact on me regarding focusing on my main goals and proceeding with a solid plan for my future. Helene has a wide range of tools that she is very well versed in, and she uses them brilliantly whenever they become relevant. I would recommend her in a heartbeat to anyone who intends to create tangible results, plans a career change, or wants to overcome obstacles because Helene has what it takes to change your life.

Ipek Williamson


Are you ready to say YES and start creating a life and career that you LOVE?

If so, Congratulations for choosing YOU!

Introductory Offer:
I’d like to invite you to a 60 min ‘Design Your Best Future’ one-on-one coaching session with me to get started. (In English or Swedish

We will work together to:

• Create clarity about the life and career you really want to have, where you’re headed, what you need to do to make it happen and what your next step will be.

• Identify any hidden challenges that may be holding you back from living the life you truly want to live.

You will leave the session with renewed energy and motivation to start making changes and create more purpose, meaning, freedom and joy in your life straight away!

 Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. It will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.
~ Robin Sharma

This is your chance to dream BIGGER!
Think of it as having a meeting with yourself where you get to pause and explore what your future could look like and figure out what you really, really want. You’ll discover new ideas and see more possibilities that you might not have thought of before and become clear about what your next step should be.

It’s also the perfect opportunity to try out coaching and see how it can help you.

The session is totally FREE – All I ask is that you are willing to show up 100% during the session. I will do the same.

If after the session we decide that we want to continue working together, we will come up with the best coaching program for you and take it from there!

I’ve had a coaching session with Helene and immediately gained confidence in her. I experienced her as confident, knowledgeable and responsive to my needs and the person I am. The conversation flowed and I got to put into words, things that I am not usually open with. This has made me more aware of which direction I need to take. I highly recommend Helene!
(Translated from Swedish)


If you're not yet ready for a one-on-one session you can check out my RESOURCES page and BLOG for inspiration, tools and exercises to help you improve your life and career on your terms.